Cloud computing and its solutions have enjoyed wide popularity and acceptance throughout different industries and applications. Despite this, there are still doubts on the suitability of cloud for various reasons.
Amidst these challenges, there's still no doubt that cloud is the technology of the future and its immediate application to increase efficiency and productivity of our work. This article was written on a cloud platform. You are reading this article through technological solutions powered by cloud. After finishing reading this article, you'll probably switch to another cloud-powered content, app, website etc. It's difficult to go through your day without touching something that is powered by cloud computing.
In light of the increasing usage of cloud computing, we're in need of benchmarks that will allow us to measure the "trustworthiness" of cloud solutions.
Trust was earlier defined by Mohammadi et al. (2013) as a bet about the future contingent actions of others, be they individuals or groups of individuals, or the entire system. Trustworthiness, on the other hand, has been used sometimes as a synonym for security and sometimes for dependability, but in reality it is more than that and it is commonly complemented with user experience (Mei et al., 2012).
In short, trust is an act carried out by a person, while trustworthiness can be defined as the worthiness of a service and its provider for being trusted.
The practice of building software to be secure and function properly under intentional malicious attack, covering integrity, availability, confidentiality. We define it as the attack resistance and fault tolerance against malicious attacks.
This is the guarantee of an entity to be secure from unauthorized disclosure of sensible information.
Refers to the consistency of the information regardless of the location.
The effects of a service do not impact the trustworthiness of other data & services (e.g. crashes, starvation or privacy issues of a service do not compromise others).
This is if the service produces equivalent outcomes and Quality of Service for equivalent inputs and resources used.
This is the assurance of ethical and legal rights, evaluating sex, race or similar biases.
Involves mulple sub‑dimensions, such as Awareness, Access, Redress (capability of rectifying), Explanation, Provenance, Auditability and Accountability (assign responsibility to services and their outcomes).
Includes mulple sub‑dimensions, such as Integrity (absence of improper system alterations), Availability (readiness for correct service), Reliability (continuity of correct service), Maintainability (ability to undergo modifications and repairs), Safety (absence of catastrophic consequences on the user(s) and the environment), and Performance stability over time.