Carlos OLIVEIRA is Counsellor for Information Society and Digital Market at the EU Delegation in Brazil and in this role supporting EU-Brazil cooperation in key ICT policies: Digital Single Market, Digitization of Industry and ICT Research and Innovation. Formerly he was Head of Sector at the European Commission in DG CONNECT (Communications Networks Content and Technology) and responsible for the co-ordination of international cooperation aspects of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) research and innovation in Horizon 2020. He was also in charge of the coordination of the ICT European Technology Platforms and Public Private Partnerships.
Prior to it he was in charge of the interim evaluation of the ICT thematic priority of the former FP7 research programme. He was also actively involved in the implementation of EU research programmes in areas such as e-learning, digital libraries, digital preservation, e-commerce. Beyond this wide experience at the European Commission in policy development and research programme management, Carlos Oliveira worked for nearly 10 years in computer and communication systems in the telecommunications industry.
Carlos holds MSc and BSc degrees in Computer Systems and Telecommunications Engineering by the Technical University of Lisbon and an MSc in Public Policy by the London School of Economics and Political Science.